Food Scrap Recycling (FSR)
What Is It?
A residential composting program is a suggested initiative in the Rye Sustainability Plan for cost savings and waste reduction reasons.
For more details about the program, the benefits of food scrap recycling, and additional resources, please click on Quick Links to the right, or the icons below.
What’s on this Page
What’s Accepted and What’s Not
Quick Links
FSR Information Contact:
Getting Started: The Basics
Food Scrap Drop-Off SiteS
There are two food scrap recycling sites for Rye residents:
Disbrow Recycling Center food scrap drop-off site at 141 Oakland Beach Avenue.
Highland Hall Lot drop-off site on the corner of Highland Road and Purchase Street.
The drop-off sites are open for residents daily, 24 hours a day. There is no charge to drop off.
Bins and Compostable Bags
Food scrap recycling supplies such as countertop and larger storage bins, as well as compostable bags, are available from retailers. Sample links are provided on the DPW website. (Scroll down on that page to locate those links.)
For questions about the Rye FSR program, contact DPW/Rye Sustainability at
How to Recycle Food Scraps
How to use a compostable bag. (Thanks to Scarsdale Conservation Advisory Council for sharing their video with Rye Sustainability Committee.)
A brief Food Scrap Recycling Guide is available online.
Food Scrap Recycling is easy!
COLLECT your food scraps in a countertop pail; all food is accepted, but should not be mixed with non-food or non-compostables, as described in the Non-Accepted Items section below. Although not required, you may line your pail with a certified compostable bag – regular plastic bags are not permitted. (Some smaller households store bagged food scraps in the freezer.)
Storage containers and compostable bags are available online. Some helpful links are here.
TRANSFER food scraps collected in your countertop pail to a larger bin for weekly storage, about two to four times per week, depending on your level of usage. This larger storage bin can also be used to transport food scraps to the drop-off sites. It is recommended that food scrap storage bins be kept in the house or garage – not outside, unless in a special container that has an animal-safe screw-on lid. (Tugs-of-war with raccoons have been reported by food scrappers using less secure storage bins.)
BRING your storage bin to the Food Scrap Recycling drop-off bins at the Disbrow Recycling Center or Highland Hall lot anytime to dispose of your food scraps as often as needed. Follow the green Food Waste signs.
What's Accepted and What's Not
Accepted Items
Wondering where your food scraps go? Ulster’s guide is a handy visual of what is and isn’t accepted. Click to enlarge image.
ALL food waste, including:
Fruits and Vegetables (remove stickers, bands, ties)
Meat and Poultry (bones ok)
Fish and Shellfish (shells ok)
Dairy Products
Bread and Pasta
Rice and Grains
Egg Shells
Chips and Snacks
Nuts and Seeds
Leftover, Spoiled and Expired Food (cooked ok)
Other Acceptable Items (If in doubt, ask before contaminating your food scrap recyclables):
Coffee Grounds (paper filters ok)
Tea Bags (no staples)
Paper Towels, Napkins, Tissues (free of any chemicals)
Cut flowers (not landscaping waste)
Pet food
Newspaper (although newspaper can also be recycled). Newspaper soiled with grease/food cannot be recycled so adding it to your FSR bin is a great option.
Hair and Pet Fur
Wooden chopsticks, popsicle sticks (no plastic or chemical varnish)
A Note About Compostable Products and Items
A compostable product must be certified as such by a reputable certification agency.
See the Ulster County graphic, above, for proper labeling and read more here about how to tell the difference between acceptable and not acceptable compostable products.
Still have questions? No problem! Contact us with your questions at
Items not Accepted
It is important not to include the following items, as they will contaminate your food scrap recyclables:
Plastic Bags
Baby/Hand Wipe
Glass, Metal or Plastic
Pet Waste or Kitty Litter
Yard Waste
Dryer lint (it could contain polyester fibers)